Hoa Phat Steel uses INVT inverters to save 40% of power consumption

“The GD5000 inverter provided by DAT well meets the technological requirements, bringing great energy-saving performance to Hoa Phat Steel Joint Stock Company. The use of inverters to control fan speed in the production process helps us save up to 40% of power consumption compared to before.”

Mr. Dong Xuan Van – Head of Electrical Equipment Department, Hoa Phat Steel Joint Stock Company shared.

Project information

Name of client Hoa Phat Steel Joint Stock Company
Field of activity Steel
Customer need Saving electricity in the steelmaking process
DAT’s solutions Application of new generation medium inverter GD5000 to control Venturi fan speed (capacity 500kW, 6kV), replacing throttle valve in steelmaking process.
Application results
  • When using the inverter, the current is reduced from 14 A to 34 A (compared to the originally rated current of 58 A). In the process of running the machine, the most economical time of the system, the inverter only works from 30 Hz to 35 Hz, which is enough for CO recovery pressure. The factory fan has a capacity of 500 kW, at 35 Hz, the fan consumes only 240 kW, saving 160 kW.
  • In Working Mode 24 hours/day, 30 days/month, the total energy saving is: 160 x 24 x 30 = 115.200 kWh
  • Monthly cost savings: 115.200 x 1.460 (production electricity price) = VND 168.192.000/month
  • Annual cost savings: 168.192.000 x 12 = VND 2.018.304.000
  • Besides the power saving effect brought to Hoa Phat Steel Company, the application of GD5000 inverter has helped the motor to start soft, minimize mechanical wear, help protect and increase the machine lifetime in the steelmaking process.

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